i don’t even know...

so ladies i need some help.

i didn’t see my boyfriend for three weeks. while i was away, i had my period twice. which my birth control is making me regular and then irregular. anyways, for the past week and a half we have had sex non stop — everyday — and i use two different apps to help me with my cycle and one says i’m late and one says ill have another cycle in 5 days.

usually i don’t worry, but usually they say the same things and now they don’t.

also, i felt bad a couple of days ago (which i’m fine now). i told my mother and she ended up saying “i hope you’re not pregnant” which was all a joke until i told my boyfriend. he told me he had a dream that i was pregnant and then everything i saw was about babies or being pregnant.

but i also know that you can’t find out that your pregnant this fast. but i need some reassurance, i’m freaking out. like i don’t know if it’s my birth control, me actually being pregnant, or just a coincident.