please help a girl out I’m 34 days late! 😥


So I’ll start out by saying I’m 26 years old with a fairly regular period (no bc) with an average cycle length of 29-30 days. My periods typically last about 5 days. The first day of my last period was 65 days ago on 10/10/18. I had protected sex a few days prior and after my period (I don’t remember the exact dates for those I’m sorry) but we always start off without a condom for a few minutes.

I feel pretty normal, I’m usually pretty tired but I have been feeling more fatigued than usual but nothing huge.

Mood swings have been a little more extreme than usual. Have had a few times over the past few weeks were it felt crampy like my period was gonna start but then it just didn’t.

I took a couple hpt both with morning pee but both were negative.

I’m not more stressed than usual but I’m also aware that my chances of pregnancy are low.

I just don’t wanna go pay a doctor to give me another pee test and tell me to wait. 😓 sorry this post was so long