My birth story.


I went to my normal weekly checkup at 39 weeks and 5 days along. My blood pressure had been fine for the last couple weeks and that day it was high. It was consistently high so I was sent to the hospital where they told me I wasnt going home without a baby.

I got admitted and had my birth plan all laid out. I was a FTM and was going all natural with the midwives. Boy did that change.

We started with a Foley balloon to dilate my cervix to 4 cm since I was only 2 upon admission and after that I started the dreadful pitocin drip. After 12 hours on pitocin I remained 4 cm dilated so not one thing had changed during those 12 hours.

The hospital decided to break my waters. Within minutes of breaking my waters, the contractions got intense very quickly. I have a very high pain tolerance, but this was taking its toll on me. The pain was causing my already high/borderline blood pressure to skyrocket. Readings were now close to 200/100 with contractions almost every 5 minutes so I couldn't relax enough to get it down. The epidural literally saved me from a c section at this point. I chose to get the epidural and my pain went away and my blood pressure went down to a normal 126/63. Within 2 hours, I was dilated to 7, 90 percent effaced. With these changes I was on the way to holding my baby within the next 3 hours. We are going on to 30 hours at this point.

When you have hypertension, you receive a magnesium drip as well, so you cant leave the bed and you cant eat or drink anything. I had wires everywhere which is one of the main reasons I wanted all natural because being attached gives me anxiety. Anyways, we check 3 hours later.. baby is pretty much ready to go at 10 cm, 100 percent effaced.

I start to push for an hour still with my midwife. She felt his head and said he was facing to the right and not back like he was supposed to be. Normally they turn but my baby has a huge head guys. He was 8 pounds 11 ounces so the turning was an issue and he was just not coming.

My midwives went and got the doctor and they both recommended a c section at this point but gave me and my husband the option to try and push for another 30 minutes to an hour to see if maybe he will turn on his own. The doctor pushed him back up into my pelvis to give him a restart at descending. As we decided that I would push for another 30 minutes before going to have surgery, they were already prepping me for a c section. I was getting more IVs inserted as I was pushing. By now I had been poked about 7 times with wires and tubes coming out of every body part I have.

My husband was amazing ya'll and this was the first time he called me stingy that I had to agree. He said I had a plan and every bit of it changed, if I want a vaginal delivery to push like I've never pushed before and make it happen. That's what I did. Within 10 minutes the midwife said you just proved everyone wrong, we are having this baby. About 10 to 15 minutes later she pulled him out and his head was a bit traumatized.

He came out purple, limp, and had us worried. My husband was freaking out and I felt terrible for putting him through that. I had to reassure him that the baby was fine but he didnt believe me. My precious baby boy who had been the perfect baby for almost 40 weeks recieved an apgar score of 2!

I cried, but I just knew he was fine. We had about 20 nurses and doctors, the whole floor really, in our tiny room along with NICU. My mom was outside crying and calling people because just 10 minutes before they told her he was almost here and everything was looking good but the alarm went off and she saw everyone coming to our room. It was amazing when I heard him cry from across the room.

Yet again, the plan had changed. Hubby didnt get to help deliver or cut the cord. I didnt get immediate skin to skin and the following things also changed, timing of baths and cord cutting, etc.

He recieved a second apgar score of 9! My baby was alive and moving. He wasnt blue anymore and he was responsive. He is absolutely perfect and the way my husband admires me now and cried on my shoulder when he saw that he was ok was just what my heart needed. He is named after his father and they are 2 peas in a pod. 35 hours later, no food, no shower, lots of pain, and none of that even matters because my baby boy was finally here.

8 pounds 11 ounces. 21.5 inches long. December 13th,2018- yes I'm in the hospital typing this. I cant sleep. I still have 6 things hooked up to me and cant eat for another 24 hours to watch my blood pressure.

Meet my harry little chipmunk.

His head was shaped odd because he was stuck for some time but it's already almost normal and round again. Believe it or not I didnt tear one bit either. Made me happy.

Update: We got to go home today! I'm sitting here looking at all the pictures we took in the hospital balling my eyes out. How did I get so lucky? He's so perfect in every way!!! I'm literally bawling y'all 😭😭😭