Second IUI today! UPDATE


This will be my 3rd go around with femara the first time I responded too well so that cycle was canceled. Then my second cycle with femara and first

<a href="">IUI</a>

resulted in a miscarriage in October.

Today I’ll have my second

<a href="">IUI</a>

and I pray pray pray it’ll work this time! I have 3 follicles between 15mm and 18mm. I thought these were kinda small but my body actually wanted to ovulate on its own so my body is saying they are just right! I took the ovidrel shot last night ( dr. Says this will release all follicles) and I go in today with my hubby!!

Update: I went in for my beta today and it was negative. I’m going to take a break and stop this. Just enjoy my life and stop stressing. God will come through. Eventually.