
Kayla • ❤️Adalynns Mommy Dec 2018 ❤️ USMC Wife 🇱🇷

So I need a little help trying to figure out what a real contraction feels like. This morning I started getting some really strong tightness all over my stomach and literally was just about in tears it kept happening about every 10-15 minutes btwn the 5 times it happened each lasting about 2 minutes. I didn't have any menstraul cramping feeling though just my whole entire back was hurting instead. So idk if maybe it's the way she was laying but even if I sat up on the bed it didn't go away it lessened a little bit but didn't go away. It's been starting at the top and goes all over. I'm pretty sure with real labor contractions I have to have the lower back ache and cramping feeling and stomach tightness when one hits correct? I'm thinking these are eaither her position or possibly maybe just harder Braxton Hicks then I'm use to having...