Success after recurrent miscarriages?

Is there anyone on here that went through 9+ miscarriages and ended up with a healthy baby without using donor eggs,

<a href="">IVF</a>

, or a surrogate. I'm 22 and just lost my 12th baby. I had my karyotype done and it came normal. The only thing my RE found was Factor V Leiden MTHFR, mild PCOS, and hypothyroidism. I dont have lupus either. They did a ultrasound and she said my ovaries and my uterus look absolutely great. This 12th pregnancy I was on lovenox 40mg, baby aspirin, 190mg of progesterone, folbic, and thyroid medicine 50mg. Now I know that I need methylfolate instead of folic acid. I just found that out after I lost the baby. I haven't had my AMH tested. I haven't been tested for any other autoimmune diseases. She wants to test my husbands karyotype. He hasn't been tested. Why would she want to test him when he has a 6 year old from his last marriage? Please do not ask about adoption or foster. It takes a long time and is expensive. I just want to know if there is anyone on here that has been through this and has had a healthy baby.