Ladies: brag on your man!

I love hearing wonderful stories about your SO! Personally I have one of the best and most selfless husbands, and unfortunately my family will never understand (laundry list of their reasons which honestly boils down to I was a very sheltered kid when I moved out and got married and learned to grow into my own person and they’ve gone on to blame my husband for it; and let me be clear, it has nothing to do with his “influence” over me, but I digress).

Truly, every parent should want for their child the life my husband provides me but they’ll never see past their own false prejudice. It only bothers me sometimes when I let it, because everyone else in my life sees that my husband hangs the moon. Regardless, I want to be able to make a humble brag post about him and our accomplishments in this year alone, and I hope everyone participates and uplifts their partners in the comments!

Last October we decided to start trying for a baby. Even though we’ve been wise with our finances for the three years we’ve been married, we really started to crack down last year. My husband works two jobs and he does not need to, he makes excellent pay at one job alone but works part time at another because he is full of constant worry about needing to do better and do it while he can (thank God he’s finally quitting the part time after the New Year!) This is an excellent quality of his as well as sometimes frustrating because, like I said, he doesn’t need the part time job. But until May, I was a full time student and working a part time job with inconsistent hours, and now working temporarily full time at a daycare until the baby gets here. Anyway, we didn’t get pregnant until July. So between last October and July, we really socked away a lot to give this girl everything she needs and more. And recently he brought up me staying at home a little longer (work offers six weeks maternity leave, and I believe it’s unpaid) and I was perfectly willing to do this. Last week he really brought it up again and told me it was my choice, he wasn’t pressuring me to stay home longer than I wanted to but he also didn’t want me to feel like I had to go back so quickly. After a bit of a talk, we decided I’d quit the daycare before our daughter comes and stay at home for six months to a year (I was floored by the time because I was thinking maybe three months!) And he was so happy and relieved after we made this decision. He’s a very protective man, so he personally felt better with me staying longer with our daughter. He doesn’t say this to me until I was the one who decided I wanted to stay home for a while. I can’t tell you how much it meant to me that he was so respectful about letting me make this decision and come to the conclusion on my own without his “influence.” Again I brag here because somehow my family would twist that and I find it nothing but amazing. I would not be where I am today without him. I was very immature and careless when we got married, and we have grown so much together and taught each other so much. I feel like, for our age, we are pretty well off and I’m immensely proud of where we’re at. My brother and sister in law just had a baby and, not to be bitchy, they aren’t. A lot of that has to do with their poor decision making. But because they let my parents control their lives, they can do no wrong and are constantly uplifted. Meanwhile I get tuned out consistently 🤷‍♀️

I’m not gonna lie, I was really obnoxiously when I told them I was staying home with our daughter for a while. It was extremely petty, but you’d just have to understand the family circumstances lol

Anyway that’s my humble brag! I want to hear yours now! I love hearing about partners spoiling and supporting each other. It’s very uplifting!