One more busy body old lady and I might lose it


I work at a church and I love it. The part I don’t live is when these little old and sometimes not so old ladies come in and “oh honey, aren’t you a little old to be starting over?”

“Did you forget what causes that?”

“Oh dear, your son is practically a teenager, are you sure it’s fair to give him a sibling at this age?”

I may scream unkind things if I’m not careful. I have to just smile and say, well, she is a blessing and I wouldn’t trade her for anything. What I want to say is, “No, I’m not too old, if I was I’d be in menopause.”

“Nope, didn’t forget, we just had to live through a couple of miscarriages before it took.”

“Yes, it is absolutely fair that we give our 10 year old a sibling! This child has prayed for a brother or sister since he was 3 years old. He is absolutely thrilled to be a big brother!”

Sorry, to ramble, it usually doesn’t bother me, but today it did.