Pregnant or stress?


So I am going to make an appointment with a gynecologist but I doubt I'll get in till the new year with the holidays so close. So I wanted some input from people who would know more/have more experience than I do.

Reasons I could be pregnant:

1 period is 10 days late

2 heartburn/nausea past cuple days

3 more emotional than usual

4 am sexually active

Reasons I might not be

1 im extremely stressed and that can explain most symptoms

2 used condoms during sex, none broke or sliped off

3 2 negetive pregnancy tests (5 & 8 days after my period was supposed to start)

I know you guys can't see into my uterus and tell me whats going on but I'm having a hard time im my life and need some advice from kind strangers. Although a pregnancy would be inconvenient right now it would be a welcome surprise for my husband and I.

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