I found Lower Back and Pelvic Pain Relief!!!!!!!!!!!!


Are you currently pregnant and experiencing lower back pain or pubic synphasis pain (pelvic pain in front)?

If the answer is yes, I have a pretty good solution.

I am 31 weeks pregnant and I am currently in physical therapy at my hospital for pelvic pain and low back pain.

My physio therapist gave me this belt and let me tell you, I have had it for 3 days and since having it I have had ZERO pelvic pain. I just adjusted it today for my back and the pain stopped!!!!

No mind you I do t wear it all the time this is just from wearing it 3 times total since I have had it for about an hour a piece.

This thing is a life saver. I got mine free from my physio with my insurance, but I found it online and I'm putting the link here to help you ladies out.

This really is life changing for me as I am chasing 2 toddlers all day.

Good place to buy