Breakdowns in full swing


I'm in tears right now. I'm 26 weeks and I live with my boyfriend who works from 7-3. While he's at work I clean and make sure the house is kept up because we live in such a small place. There are things I don't do, like clean the litter box or take out the trash but I'm constantly moving around the house throughout the day. Today boyfriend comes home and I ask him to take out the trash and do the cat box, he says sure. I've asked him to take the same bag of trash out for 3 days now. I got food out for dinner while he was in the shower, he gets out and we sit down to eat. Whole time he's on his phone, once we were done with dinner I went to do the dishes, and asked him again to take out the trash, he said he would. An hour later he still hadnt and instead fell asleep on the couch. Its almost ten now and he's been asleep since 7. I'm really upset because its not like I ask him to do much, I mean really, how hard is it to take out the trash!?!? Seriously going to stop asking him to do things and just gonna start doing them myself.