TV to sleep

I have a 15 month old, and she was breastfed to sleep from birth up to about a month and half ago. One night we watched a cartoons and snuggled and she fell asleep. So that's what I've been doing every night, we watch cartoons and snuggle til she falls asleep. We have a DVD with cartoons so she knows what happens at the end and it's not new and exciting. She also sleeps with us in our bed so I cant really put her in her crib (which we dont have at our house because we just moved into it).

I guess I'm trying to ask if anyone else have to do this at night, just trying to get reassurance haha. I feel like this is a bad habit I'm forming but it's what works for us.

But it is getting better, I could never put her down because she would wake up now I can put her in bed without waking up.