Giving up


It’s my third year of college , and honestly I’m behind . My gpa is bad and I’m better off stopping probably. I told my dad got Bs in two clases and I’m taking threes. And to make the story short he told me that I need to reconsider continuing this route because people with 3.0 Gpas get no where in life . And right now I just feel like a waste of time and money and a freaking burden on this family .this semester has been so hard for me with family problems, I even almost moved out . I’ve never been up to par with the standard of a good student , I’ve always been a bad student and I don’t know why . I have bad concentration problems and it’s something I’ve had since middle school, grades were always what my dad would get mad at me about and now he’s over trying to push me to be better ..I just can’t . I don’t know what to do at this point , or what route I can take . I feel like such a burden