That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen

I was driving on the highway and it was already cloudy. But all the sudden it looked like someone turned the brightness down in the sky. Within seconds it was so dark that I thought I was having vision problems and slowed down and almost pulled over when I noticed that other drivers were doing the same thing. People were putting their hazards on. I think all of us were like “what the FUCK” because it was so sudden and dramatic and it just seemed like it was getting darker and darker. I was actually scared because I didn’t know what was happening and it was so unnatural and odd. it stayed that dark for a few hours. It gradually got brighter until it went back to normal.

It was 9am. It got so dark that I wondered if I was losing my mind and checked the clock to make sure it was actually 9am. It was by far the weirdest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. It was probably just the clouds being thicker in that area or something but still, I won’t ever forget that.

Has anyone ever seen this happen?

Added: anyone remember the solar eclipse and how it got darker and darker outside and the day looked like night? This was like that but it only took a few seconds to happen. I have been thinking about it for days now.