Tell me whyyy


So, maybe tmi ladies, but I’m so confused. Last month I had my period right on the day flow planned.. but, it was pretty light. Not extremely, but def not normal. Then, it only ended up lasting two days and I had VERY light spotting. Also, i has noticed that I didn’t have really any of my usual period symptoms. Specifically sore breasts.. I ALWAYS get them about a week before I start until I start. A week after my two day period, I did start feeling sore breasts, and that was about two weeks ago now. I thought maybe it was bc I’m ovulating, but my ovulation day was two days ago and they still ache. I hadtingling in my nipples last week, but now they’re just sensitive. I took two dollar tests from the dollar store and they both came out negative. So, why o my boobs hurt? Why was my period so weird? Help!