Pray pray pray!

Alisha • Married 6.7.2014❤️baby #1 born 6.2015❤️👼🏻baby #2 born 4.2018 at 21 weeks👼🏻❤️baby #3 born 3.2019❤️baby #4 due 10.2021❤️

So over the last month I’ve been going in every 2 weeks to check the length of my cervix, and each time is been 1 cm shorter...not a good trend at this point in the pregnancy :( I’ll be 23 weeks tomorrow. Last Wednesday it was down to 2.5 cm which is as low as it can be and still be consider “ok”. I go back tomorrow afternoon to get it checked again and if it’s any shorter I’ll have a cerclage done right after my appointment. If it’s not any shorter then my doctor won’t do it since I wouldn’t meet the requirements and then we just hope I don’t go into labor anytime soon, which is terrifying to hear this early. I’ve been on progesterone shots since 16 weeks and that should hold off on my uterus contracting 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 I have been a STRESSED OUT MESS since Wednesday. Trying to tell myself as of that appointment things were still ok, I haven’t had any signs of labor, and we have a couple plans in place based upon what happens tomorrow. The crappy thing is, if I go into labor before Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> (when I’d be 24 weeks which is viability for baby) all the plans are worthless 😕 ughhh I HATE all this unknown 😔 I really think this is the same thing that happened back in April when we lost our daughter but since I didn’t have any issues with my first pregnancy they didn’t know to keep an eye on things and I wasn’t on the shots to prevent contractions and if that’s the case it seems like the shots are doing there job and I just hope and pray they continue to work and that they are stronger than whatever crap my cervix is doing!!