Step mom adopted me. I want my biological mother. UPDATE 3.

Update 3: My step mom has been telling me not to ask her for things and for me to ask my dad since she isn't my "real mom"

She won't even look at me either. She hardly talks to me either. My dad won't even talk to her about it because he said I brought this on myself.

Update 2: I can't meet my bio mother until I am 18 that is my dads rule. My bio mom doesn't have parental rights to me. My birth certificate has my steps mom name on it instead of my bio moms. They said at the age of 15 I am not capable of making my own decisions when it comes to this. Im so broken over this.

Update; My dad just told me that if I ever use that line shes not my real mom and etc anymore, he is going to throw me out and let me learn on my own. He said that I scarred my step mom with those words and now she's been depressed and it upset my dad. Why would my dad chose her over me? Another reason I want my bio mom.

Hi I am 15. I had found out that when I was about 7 my step mom had adopted me. My dad ended up going after my bio mom for neglecting me. I really do not remember my bio mom since I haven't seen her since I was about 3. My step mom had been in the picture since I was 4. Shes been a hard on me. About doing homework and chores. We got into a fight. She was telling me what to do over and over again and i told her you are not my real mother. She said really? I have been putting up with you for almost 11 years!! You keep treating me like this!! I told her I want my real mom!! She said you want your egg donor? The one that chose drugs over you? The one that didn't even fight for you or ever made the effort to see you all these years? I told her that I hated her. She walked away and told me ill let your dad handle you. My dad comes running into my room and smacks me across the mouth. He told me how dare you talk to my wife that way. You are grounded for a month and blah blah blah. I want my real mom! Not my step mom!

This isn't a spam post. I am venting on here because I have nowhere else to vent too.

My dad took me away at the age of 3 and we moved away to Texas. Im trying to get my bio mom to come over here but my dad will call the cops if she does because she doesn't have parental rights. And she didnt sign them over. They were terminated by court. I guess because of no contact and lack of child support throughout the year back then. Why is it so wrong for me to meet my real mom?