mutant cervix


the long story of the short i went to my gyno and they compared the inside of my vagina to a flower!!! essentially what that means is there’s petal like things in front of my cervix. the doctors thought it was a cancerous mass at first but it is not. basically its the grooves and bumps in my vagina that formed like flaps of skin that’s hooked onto the outside, but not touching, of my cervix. after inserting this long thing and spreading me open the flaps of my skin retracted and laid against my walls revealing what appears to be a healthy cervix. before they put the long thing inside of me that to spread it apart they were poking around at the skin with a q tip saying they can’t find an opening. clearly after using the long clamp like thing we do know when my walls are spread apart there is an opening! i have a period fine and blood comes out as well as clots and cm. all fine. i know, tmi. i’m just worried that although things can come out; can my husbands seman find their way in? i’m so so worried. i just got off my period and will be ovulating in about 12 days. should i go see my gyno again if i can’t conceive and find out if this is effecting me any, if at all?

have you heard of extra skin? i feel like i can’t be the only one.

please be kind as this is a very touchy subject for me but i needed to tell someone.