Need Advice and Help Dealing with Postpartum Anxiety


I am 8 days post partum and it’s my 4th day home after an emergency c-section due to preeclampsia and I am losing it. I’m anxious about everything and having panic attacks left and right. When I was pregnant I had my anxiety under control and as soon as my beautiful daughter came into the world it’s like I’m back at square one. My meds aren’t working like they used to and I feel just jittery and awful all the time. I’m seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow and have already seen my therapist who told me this is normal for being postpartum and all the hormones changing and says eventually I will feel like myself again. But my anxiety keeps telling me I won’t and I’ll just be this panicked and anxious forever and I’m a failure as a mom because I’m messing up all the time and can’t control my anxiety. 😭😭 I really hope others have experienced this because I really could use all the tips and advice I can because I’m really strugglebussing with this right now. Thanks in advance!