Birth Plan out the Window...again.

Nicole • Happily married to the man of my dreams. Mom of 2 girls, Elena and Esme, and 3 👼👼👼 .

So I ended up going into the hospital on Friday because my midwife called and my protein/creatinine levels were high, my liver enzymes were high, and I failed my 3 hour glucose. So she wanted me to go in. Partly for the first two reasons bc it could mean preeclampsia(which I had with my first). So they ran more tests, and they came back elevated, but not preeclamptic..”yet”. So they let me go home, but with a 24 hour urine catch to do(still waiting on those results). But with all that going on, my midwife decided it would be better if I see her longtime doctor friend so he can monitor me a lot more closely instead of her, and that I will now have to have another hospital birth. All I have wanted is to be able to have my babies naturally at a peaceful birth center with my amazing midwife. And once again, I’m switched to a doctor and a hospital. I know it’s for the best, believe me. And I’m ok with it. Just disappointed that it seems I can never have my babies the way I want. Just hoping and believing that I’ll at least be able to go full term and not get preeclampsia again. And that I’ll be able to go into labor naturally vs induction again, or heaven forbid a csection. I’m currently 29.4 Weeks, and still have a ways to go. But I believe I will! Any Mama’s going through, or have been through something similar?