Just not ready to move on...


After going through a rough breakup I promised myself I would never put my guards down ever again I told myself no more tears shed for assholes who don’t deserve me.

A year later just before I was supposed to move to another city I met someone online. A cute nerd. Hair too curly to be wavy, too wavy to be curly. With brown eyes that match the strands of his hair. Now normally I would never go for a “cute” one, just not my typical hot fuckboy I’m used to . And he wasn’t any typical man either, kind intelligent, intriguing, funny, motivating, creative and so respectful.

My move was delayed for another year and I saw him for the first time ever when he picked me up from the airport. It wasn’t anything like the movies I was sweaty and tired and just wanted to go home. But the sec our eyes locked it was like magic. I’ve had plenty of sex before but this wasn’t that. It was putting ourselves back together we’d say to each other. Two months pass by and just when my dad gets diagnosed with a terminal illness. He changes, distant, awfully quiet and telling me he’s considering the relationship, that he wants to think about the pros and cons and how sustainable being with me is. Few days later I push him to talk about it and he says he’s still not over his ex and that few days ago he saw her post on Snapchat and that he went back several times to check if she had posted anything again. Literally asking me to help him get over her. We agree to take a break and help him get better and focus only on himself. I told him it was over just two days ago. He said “ I loved you with every inch of my being, I’m just not ready to love”

And I can’t stop help reading this sentence over and over. I’m so hurt I don’t know what to do how to get over it