

Oh what a loong day it has been.

I’m a mommy!

I woke up at 3:30 thinking I peed the bed, crawled out of bed and used the restroom, ended up wiping away my mucus plug. I took a breather and tried to lay back down and relax.

Around 4am I started experiencing contractions that were 8 minutes apart. I kept track of them, as I laid in bed and cuddled my boyfriend trying to relax and calm down as I was crying from the intensity. As it started to reach around 4:30am the contractions were 6 minutes apart, as I knew it was time to go, called my grandmother for a ride to the hospital as my boyfriend and I got the bags ready and our animals taken care of. My grandmother got us around 5:30 as she works from home and couldn’t leave right away. We got to the hospital around 6:15am.

Clocked into the hospital by 6:30am.

Was checked at 1cm dilation and 100%, as they did a dry glove test to make sure my water broke, it did and it wasn’t pee! I ended up bleeding due to the check. As my contractions worsened, not being able to catch a breath, suddenly realizing that I was diagnosed with Preeclampsia. Which worried me as I haven’t had any issues during the entire pregnancy. My blood pressure has been ridiculously high staying at 233/126. They quickly rushed to put me on Oxytocin and Magnesium to help with the high blood pressure. As my contractions got more and more close together, I started to get very hot. They demanded that I should get the epidural as soon as possible, to calm my nerves along with reducing my pain. By 10am I had the epidural. I got comfortable and relaxed hoping the blood pressure would go down. Around 4pm baby girls oxygen levels started to drop as my kidneys were working too hard. They gave me a oxygen mask as it made me extremely nauseous and dizzy, to the point that I was dozing off. I woke up around 4:30 telling my boyfriend that I was ready to push. As the nurse comes in asking if I am ready to try and do some test pushes, as I did the third test push she quickly asked me to stop, saying she can see her head as she ordered me to quit pushing and wait for my OB. I waited for 30 minutes for him to show up as the nurse told me he was in surgery for another appointment.

Shaking with exhaustion I couldn’t hold on any longer as I waited and waited for my OB to get there. I told my nurse I couldn’t wait any longer and that she needs to call him ASAP because I couldn’t wait. Found out he came rushing into the room 45 minutes after saying he was at his office across town and got stuck in traffic, as he walks in and starts to put on his gloves she started coming out, and two pushes later..

13 hours of labor 45 mins of waiting but a half

hour of pushing. A total of 5 pushes and she came.

Complete success.

Everyone, I’d love for all of you to please meet Paityn Nicole Hamrick