A little down


So idk how long this post is gonna be, so I’m apologizing in advance. It’s almost Christmas time. This month is always hard on me bcuz it’s my birth moms heavenly birthday on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>. Not only that I had my 3rd miscarriage this time last year. But me and my boyfriend suffered a great loss the week of Thanksgiving. His 5 year old baby cousin passed away in his sleep. Things are still tough around here. I’ve been through 1 divorce and currently going through another divorce that will be final next month. Yes I’m only 27 yrs old. 3 miscarriages. And 2 divorces, me and my boyfriend are taking things slow, but we also want kids. All in all I hope I get my rainbow baby soon. We are trying, but not really if that makes any sense. I’ve just been so down, every time I play with kids, my heart just breaks. But I know all in all it’s in God’s timing. But how does one keep moving and keep pushing through, without giving up hope??? My sisters all have been blessed with kids, and I’m just over here like, when’s it my turn?? Signed a truly down woman.