I don't want to announce my pregnancy just to be disappointed again.


So I'm struggling with telling my family about my pregnancy. It's a long disappointing story, but I'll try to keep it as short as possible.

My parents pressured me for a couple years to just date anyone for the sake of going steady with someone whether I liked him or not (I was actually approached by a stranger once that sounded like he was a sex trafficker and my mother was angry at me that I turned him down and got out of there).

I eventually met my husband and they were happy I was finally going steady with someone (I was only 18 at this point btw, not really old enough to be pressured into being in a steady relationship anyway). After about 2 or 3 months they started insisting I break up with him but without any reasoning. I refused and started having fights on a regular basis with them and saying if they had legitimate concerns they should voice them but they never did. Since I refused to break up with him, they acted like he didn't exist. Just refused to acknowledge his existence even when he was right in front of them.

There were a lot of other things they did and didn't do that were dysfunctional, abusive and just cruel, but that would make this post way too long.

Fast forward 3 years and we got married. I wish l hadn't asked my dad to walk me down the isle, he didn't even crack a smile throughout the ceremony or reception.

It really hurt not just because it was rude, but also because I used to have a decent relationship with my dad and I felt abandoned once I chose another man over him.

I've now been married to a wonderful man for over 3 years, we bought a house and moved into it the day we got back from our honeymoon, he is currently in school and planning on going into med school to be an oncologist. I'm 25 and expecting our first child.

I actually cut off communication with my family for over a year because I couldn't handle all of the unhealthy behaviors and lack of respect on their side of things. Supposedly they were crushed and so happy when I tried to open up the communication lines again (I only did it for my siblings I still wanted relationships with).

Well they haven't made any changes other than kind of acknowledged my husband a couple times and the last time I announced something to them was when we got engaged and I got a halfassed "huh" from my mom and my dad pretended he didn't hear me.

I don't think they've changed enough to be happy for me if I tell them I'm pregnant. I don't want to feel that kind of disappointment again. And this is their first grandchild! I wish I could share my happiness with them, but I know it's just going to hurt us more.