Boyfriend staying at a party

First off.. my boyfriend is super annoying when he’s drunk, like full on acts five and like a little girlC he’s way dramatic and it’s a huge turn off. And he got really drunk last night at a party and I was drunk too, his best friend was there and wasn’t drinking. He was staying at my boyfriends place that night and the plan was he was going to give us a ride home. So when time comes, the party is basically over we are leaving and my boyfriend refuses to leave. We didn’t get why, like the party was over why stay to sleep on the floor when he could go home? Plus his friend was supposed to stay at his place that night. It made me uncomfortable because there were plenty of girls there and I know he wouldn’t cheat but I don’t get why he’d insist on staying.. the party was over and there were both girls and guys staying the night. It didn’t make sense to me... any thoughts?? I just felt like it was weird how persistent he was about sleeping there.