Attention seeking? 😔


I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about 5 months now.. Everything was going good at first. But now I guess we hit a hard rock right now. He works two jobs now about to get his own apartment so he’s trying to save money. So now we barely spend time together because I work 12 hours and I am about to go back to school. It’s been kinda tough on me because I want to go on dates a little bit more or spend time together but I know he’s at work and I would like to talk on the phone, we text but it’s not like how it was like in the beginning of a relationship etc.. But I know he’s tired most of the time after working two jobs I understand that. I know he’s going through a lot because he’s having car trouble, family trouble, and sometimes personal (he will not tell me about). I feel like something is not right because when we do talk on the phone he’s kinda quiet (while we are talking on the phone he’s either strolling down FB or Instagram) idk what’s going on is he cheating idk.. But I’m trying not to make it all about me like I want attention etc.. I just feel like he’s holding something back idk what it is or am I over thinking things (because I do). I asked him the other day is it something wrong with our relationship or is it something I did he said “no.” I’m trying not to be attention seeking I’m also falling back some so I dont smother him and push him away. Because I know he has his own life and I’m trying to get a head start on school and start studying some of my chapters I have for next semester. I feel like I have to change my thinking and be there for him during this tough time right now. Like what can I do.. What is y’all advice?

I don’t want to feel like a burden on him or sound selfish...