
I have a question so I had chlamydia for about 3 years . I didn’t know I didn’t had any symptoms whatsoever. When I found out I confronted my ex which was my only partner. We had 3 years together he told me it wasn’t him and tried to blame me for it . I would get treated and so did he , but weeks later I would get infected again . I wasn’t really informed about it so I thought it wasn’t just going away and it was coming back on it’s on . Well I broke up w him and he admitted to me that he cheated on me w multiple girls and that he didn’t use any type of protection which I was disgusted by it . I trusted him . I’ve moved on and I’m dating someone else now which I’ve wanted to have kids with . But idk if I can I’ve tried to have kids w my ex and it never happened I never got pregnant I didn’t have any type of birth control nothing and I still wouldn’t get pregnant. Now that I’m w the person that I’m with I’m scared to try bc I don’t want to get my hopes up . I had chlamydia on and off for 3 years . Is it possible for me to get pregnant? I also got tested for other STDs Which came out negative I’m clean now and I also had some blood work done and the doctor said I’m fine . Can you tell from blood work if I can have babies ? I need some advice please