Feeling worthless😭please help!!

So this may be long and I’m not really sure what I’m looking to get out of this post but I just needed to rant for a second. I’m 18 and 24 weeks pregnant and I’m living with my boyfriend and his mom. My boyfriend and I have only dated for a little over a year but since I’ve moved in he’s not been treating me right. Like literally all I ask of him is to give me attention. I just want to be around him and for him to talk to me or just watch a movie with me or anything. Like I literally just ask for attention and I don’t think that’s too hard to give. He sleeps until 2 pm every single day and then works from 3-8pm and then as soon as he gets off he gets on Xbox and plays till 5 am. I used to stay in the room with him when he played but he wears a mic and completely ignores me so I thought if I went into another room then he would go after me and ask me to come back but he didn’t even care. So I sent him a long text saying how I don’t ask for much, just for him to spend some time with me and how I think we needed to break up if he couldn’t give me that & he didn’t say anything. I’m just really heartbroken because I’m pregnant with his baby and I love him so much. Like I’d do anything for my boyfriend but I get the feeling he must’ve fallen out of love with me or something. I know I should probably just leave but I want this to work out so bad. He’s very immature so that’s why I haven’t left yet, I keep telling myself that I can teach him to be right but I know that I can’t. Can anyone give me any advice? I really don’t wanna sound like a dumb teenage girl but I feel like I do. I just love him and I wish he loved me the same way😣. Please don’t bash me or tell me I’m dumb, I just need support because him and his family is the only support I have and I can’t talk to them about it so I’m hoping it’s safe to talk about it here.