Pregnant and emotional mess

My bf and I have been together for 5 years and we have a 3 year old son together we recently found out I’m pregnant with baby #2 which we were both happy about but then a shift happened in our relationship. He was very concern and caring in the beginning of our pregnancy but now he extremely distant. We barely talk when we do it turns into an argument, seems like he is always angry no matter what I do or say. He scheduled me an abortion appt behind my back when I said we should take a break because he said if we wasn’t going to be a family he doesn’t want to bring another child in this world.He doesn’t even show interest in being apart of this pregnant, we don’t have sex anymore or any type of intimacy..we live like roommates than a couple. I try to talk and voice my feelings but honestly they go unheard. I have tried to repair our relationship but he honestly shows no interest. This pregnancy by far has been the most stressful and emotional thing I have had to go through in a long time. He more lively when he talking or hanging out with his friends and I just get the dry side of him. It hurts because I love him so much and saw a future with us but my love is slowly turning to resentment. Tonight was our gender reveal and his family was very disrespectful and ruined the moment for me and after the dinner he literally break up with me 😭😭 saying he is being selfish for holding on to something he know he doesn’t deserve..the audacity of that statement kills me like I have given 5 years and 2 kids we just bought a house together and you break up with me because you say you can’t give me what I need emotionally as if I not pregnant and hormonal..I don’t know what to do like I don’t want to lose him but it’s so hard to let him and everything we built go