What is this considerd?

So in February of 2018, I was 16 and I told my mom I was going to get ice cream with my best friend, but I was really going to hang out with a friend. He was 17ish had a car and he knew I had a boyfriend. So we got to taco bell and then we go to a dark parking lot at the park not far from my house. We moved to the backseat and cuddle and talked for a bit and I started thinking "oh crap I forgot my knife." (In case he made a move) so I started freaking out THAT much more. My friends (who knew what I was doing (my boyfriend and my mom were the only ones who didnt know))kept texting me so u had to sit up to respond. So at one point we r both sitting up looking at each other I put down my phone and he pulls out his dick and asks me if I wanted to smash, at that moment time seemed frozen I looked and and thought about running but he knows where I live and could just follow me or make it to my house before me... Then he said "do you?" and I was like trying to play along without rejecting him (cuz I didn't know what he would do) so in that flirty high pitch voice I was like I'm not sure if that's a good idea, its getting late. But soon I figure I'm not getting out of this so I go along with it... so I he takes me home and for a long time I didn't tell anyone exactly what happened until at least August and a month or 2 later I told my ex exactly what happened (He's my best friend now) and I broke down crying explaining to him and he calmed me down and said y didnt u tell me before. I said cuz I was scared that u were gonna break up with me and I really dont wanna lose u as a friend. He said not over something like that... I understand its some type of sexual abuse but is it rape?