My mom knows I'm sexually active, help?

Me and my boyfriend have been sexually active for about a month and a half now and I think my mom cought on. Whenever I come home a mess even if I was not out with him at all she always asks what happened and when I explain it she gives me a sarcastic passive aggressive "mhhmmm". Last night I went to the library with my boyfriend, then we had sex, then we went out and hung out for a bit. After sex I had my jacket on the entire time, even after I got home, so i didn't notice that i missed a button. I took the jacket off and layed in my bed for a while. About 30 min later I hear a knock at my door and it's my mom. She looks at me and says shirt is a mess, I just shrug and not act like I care at all, if I dont act like it's a big deal she probably wont treat it as such. But then she kinda went on this tangent saying you need to finish your homework because I know you didn't do any, I still had some to finish but I did have others done, and she seemed almost annoyed and upset with me. I'm pretty sure she knows I'm sexually active but how do I get her to stop treating it like it's the worse thing and that I'm bad for doing it.