19 months and we finally have our BFP

Jade • Amalia Aya Durand.... 18.08.19 💕😍💕

I'm sat here alone, in shock and crying but I'm so incredibly happy. I never thought it would happen, every month I gave up, heartbroken having to tell my partner we had another negative every month, the pressure, the disappointment, investigating infertility, tears, deciding to stop trying, 1 false positive, multiple late periods, feeling like my body was letting me down, feeling like I was letting my partner down, obsessive tracking of AF and ovulation, praying AF wouldn't come, checking all day everyday around AF for signs.

We drive ourselves mad for this miracle, we beat ourselves up, we obsess, we pray, we cry, we pretend we have given up but we never truly do, we have so much hope and faith resting on just being mothers.... something none of us should ever be denied.


Sorry for being all philosophical and emotional but the weight has lifted and I am so greatful.

Love and luck to all TTC ❤