My friend

So I have a friend that keeps putting herself in situations where she dates a guy that ends up treating her horribly. She just got out of a toxic relationship which she almost tried to kill herself over. She would send me text about her cutting and calling crying. The last time she tried she sent a long text so I’m trying to call and call her but no answer. Literally had me all worried that I was going to lose a friend. Then a few hours she replied saying she needed time. So everything was okay. She broke up with the guy so you’d think she’d learn not to go back but she got back together with him. They went to a cabin and some argument happened. They broke up for the final time and I was like finally. She told me she was talking to two new guys so I told her to be careful but she’s an adult so whatever she decides is ultimately on her.

Here’s the confusing part....I try calling her and I get no answer or she’ll always say she’s busy(which is probably true but still). Only calls when she’s having a crisis. She finally calls after like one month and something days. She tells me she’s been on tinder trying to talk to guys and I’m over here like what the fuck? Whatever happened to enjoying the single life until you meet someone that loves you and you love them. She’s also extremely picky so she won’t date anyone that’s fat(everyone has their preference) they have to be so many things at once that she doesn’t take the time to see them for who they really are as a person. She just bitches and moans about not having a boyfriend to cuddle up with or other stuff. If she would just sit back and focus on herself I’m sure she’ll find what she is looking for but she’s not that patient at all. Like I said she’s an adult and can make her own decisions. I just hate when she tries to ask me for advice and doesn’t listen at all. It’s like why ask if you’re going to do the opposite.

I’m sorry if this post is long to read