Stuck in Early Labor!?!

Elaina • wife & mama🤍Jameson John Lawrence 1/3/2017🧒🏻Areli Kennedy 1/6/2019👧🏻 Lennox Winchester 6/2/2021👶🏼

Ugh I hate this so much. For the longest time, I was .5 cm dilated, 0% effaced. On Thursday, I started having horrible contractions and went to the hospital thinking it was time. I progressed to 3cm, and am now 60% effaced. I stopped progressing Friday night and they sent me home to labor at home. All weekend, I’ve been having consistent contractions but they don’t seem to be getting worse. I am in so much pain and I’m so exhausted. I’ve tried walking and sex to try to help(I’m only 36 weeks) and it sucks. I have an appointment on Friday so hopefully I’ll be a little more along than I am now. This baby tried coming at 22 weeks, 25 weeks, 27 weeks, and 32 weeks. Now she can’t make up her mind😭