35 weeks and just diagnosed?!

Ugh. Where to even start? Well this is my second pregnancy and I go to a Naval Hospital for my prenatal care (husband is active duty navy), and I did my GD 1 hour test over 5 weeks ago. Due to my OBGYN deploying for a short time, my file got lost in transition and I failed with a 178! I wasn't even told until I was nearly 35 weeks! I completed the 3 hr test, was told I had a fasting # of 78 and that my 1st draw was good...but by the 2nd and 3rd I was over. This Monday I go to pick up my kit and Wednesday I have a nutrition class/how to use your kit class....I'll be almost 36 weeks! I just feel like I could have been doing this for weeks now, and not have put the baby in any type of jeopardy. Has anyone been diagnosed this late in the game?? My doctor didn't even mention wanting to do a growth scan..I just feel like I'm in unfamiliar territory and I don't know what questions I need to be asking. Any advice on GD is greatly appreciated!