My birth story

Martina • Married 09.30.17! 💍 Mama to a beautiful baby girl since 12-13-18! 🤱🏼👶🏼 Working on becoming Martina, RN BSN 💉

On December 13, I was scheduled to be induced at 8pm. Seeing I was 40 weeks and 3 days I was beyond ready to meet my baby girl. By the time they got me set up and started hooking up the monitors it was around 8:15. I could tell something was wrong. Doctors and nurses coming in and out of my room, the doctors kept doing sonograms to try to see movement, they had to keep moving the monitor because they couldn’t pick up a heartbeat. Next thing I know I’m getting pushed out of my labor room into an OR to have an emergency csection. The anesthesiologist is giving a thousand directions, asking me a bunch of questions about the last time I ate, what I ate, etc, nurses running around trying to hurry up and get my belly prepped and a foley in. Next thing I know I’m waking up to them telling me my baby has been taken to the nicu because she has the cord wrapped around her neck twice and she had ingested her meconium because the stress she was under made her poop while still in the womb. Baby was born at 8:55 pm. By 3 am the doctor is calling to tell us her lungs aren’t doing well because of all of the meconium in them so they put in a breathing tube and put her on sedation and other medications to keep her lungs calm. Although she has had set backs, as of 2:30 am on 11/17 she has been weaned off her nitrate (don’t know the full name of the gas). Her blood gases are still coming back perfect. Around noon they should be removing the tube and just putting her on a nasal cannula that will then be weaned. I haven’t been able to hold my baby since she was born and I got discharged today. Coming home with no baby has been the hardest thing I could ever go through. I never really understood how strong NICU moms were until now.