Dogs acting up! One month before baby (A Vent)


We have three dogs in the house. The beige one is my little baby, had him for 5 years. Husky is my husbands, whom I’ve grown to love as my own ever since my husband and I got together. The black/brown one is our Roomates, who LOVESSSS me. Needless to say these dogs were pretty spoiled and loved by me. They would always be allowed on the bed (they still are actually, please don’t judge). Everything was fine. We would always leave the patio door open so they can come in and out to potty as needed.

So lately, I’m sure they all know that a baby is coming because they’ve been increasingly attached to me. However lately, they’ve been on a rampage! I keep telling my husband how much I’m worried because I won’t have the energy to be taking care of LO plussss constantly having to shush the dogs when they’re being too loud, or cleaning up after them, etc.

They’ve been sooo loud and obnoxious lately, especially my Hiro (the 5 year old beige one). Anytime The other two dogs are playing, he barks. Anytime the two dogs come in my room, he barks. Anytime someone is at the door, he barks. He was never like this before. I even bought training/correction collar with the beep and vibration, he still barks. We put him outside and he wants to come in, he non stop barks until we finally give and let him back in (sometimes hours). Also, we bought a baby gate to put at our door, so the dogs now know their boundaries and when they are and aren’t welcome into the room. anytime we leave the house now, we leave the gate closed so none of the dogs enter the room. Hiro pees/poops right in the middle of the hallway, in front of the gate. Even though the patio door remains wide open for him to go outside. We punish him but it doesn’t phase him. He’s sorry for a couple mins but is back to normal right after and does the same thing the next day.

We JUST redid our room and built the pack n play and swing and all that and it got peed on by one of the dogs the very next day.

I usually let Hiro come with me when I take short drives. I would open the door and he would just wait next to the car for me to open the car door and he would hop in. The last couple times, instead of running to the car, he would run across the street and completely ignore me when I call him. At that point I just wait til he finally comes to me and then I put him back inside cause he doesn’t deserve to go out with me anymore after that.

Idk what to do. Baby is coming in a month or less and I’m the one at the house who has to clean up after them and deal with them. Like I said, I’m not trying to be stressed with taking care of a newborn baby while having to yell “no!” To the dogs when they’re misbehaving or tell the dogs to be quiet when they’re being too loud. They were seriously never like this before, a few months ago they were all so obedient. It’s mostly Hiro that’s switching up his behavior. He knows what’s coming and is not happy about it.

Husband is too tired when he comes home to walk them, I obviously can’t walk them because Khalil (husky) tends to pull and I won’t want to risk me not being able to control him at 8 months pregnant. Me constantly having to get on hands and knees to clean up after them is already exhausting.