Comment if you’re 38weeks


Everyone who’s due towards the end of the month: What’s going on?

Do you think your baby is coming early, on time, or late?

Any signs of baby/labor?

Has your belly dropped?

Lost mucus plug?

Are you ready and all prepared?

I’m due on the 31st but I have a feeling/or I really hope baby comes around 21st-23rd!

I have no signs of labor or having her be early, but I definitely feel like she’s out of room and is done cooking! I was 1cm dilated last week, but have an appointment tomorrow. I don’t mind waiting for her to be ready and come when she wants, but boy oh boy, I’m so ready for this next journey and ready to discover what being a Mom is all about. Tired and anxious about waiting for labor and just want it to happen now. There’s no turning back so let’s at least get this party rollin’!! :D