I cried today...

Kristi • Mother of 3 girls and 1 boy. Pregnant with #5. Rainbow baby.

I spotted day 25 which is when my period was expected. Than nothing. I’ve been feeling bloated since day 22 or 23. My period isn’t normally this late. Even though I thought I was going to waste a test for the 100th time I just took a test and cried my eyes out. Finally. A BFP. I’m so excited to give my honey this as an Xmas gift. Just got to keep it to myself til then. Any ideas how I can surprise him? Another hint I thought something was off is I just wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep the past few days.

Update I gave him the gift. I couldn’t wait. My belly got too noticeable.

I took a video of him opening it but I don’t know how to post it on here.

Update 2 here is an example of why this will be hard to hide.

This is me about a month ago. It’s my 6th pregnancy 🤰. The bloat is real. Lol