Mucus Plug at 22 weeks?!

Cheyanne • 💕 23. Texas Mommy. 💕

THIS IS TOTAL TMI, THATS THE WARNING:: I’ll start by saying that I am High Risk due to Placenta Previa(my placenta is on my cervix) and I am 22 weeks and 4 days today. I usually have a high amount of BH contractions daily and she moves and kicks a lot. Well today, I’ve only had maybe 3 BH contractions all day and she hasn’t been moving around much. Me and my 3 year old went to Walmart and we were walking around and my stomach started hurting so bad so I went to the bathroom and had really bad diarrhea, as I was sitting there I felt something dangling from my private areas so I looked down there and it was a string of mucus. I grabbed the toilet paper and got it and it was clear/cream colored and literally the texture of phlegm/mucus/snot. I immediately took a pic and sent it to my close friend and she told me to call my nurse so I did and my nurse told me that if I’m not contracting then don’t worry. HOWEVER, ever since I found it I’ve been having a normal(elevated amount:normal to me) of BH contractions but they aren’t super strong or anything and she is moving around a lot more than what she has been all day. What do y’all think? Obviously if I start contracting or if my water breaks or anything major then I’ll go to the hospital. But what are y’all stories about your mucus plug and/or early preterm labor? Pic is TMI but this was it.