How do I tell my friend likes me or that I like her?

I met her around the beginning of the semester if college and we’ve been friends ever since around October slowly but surely I’ve been seeing her in a different light and we’ve become so close that we even shit at each other’s houses, smoke together, chill together and do everything together but she knows I’m BI and I always play jokingly and am a lil touchy and always call her my girlfriend and she calls me her girl too but it’s like I’ve seen her at her best and was there when she was at her worst and I got love for her and it’s like every time I’m around her no matter what I hate the urge to touch her sexually and jus be the best person for her . I wonder if she realizes what I do .. but I kinda wanna tell her that I wanna lick her clit and be her bestie and luv but I don’t know how to go about this situation because I don’t wanna make it weird or mess up what we have