Feedings and nap schedul


My son was doing so good! Eating 4 ounces, good for an hour or so, nap for around 45 minutes, then repeat.. now he eats 4 ounces and when it’s about nap time, he acts hungry so I give him 2 more ounces and then he naps. That’s 6 ounces in a two hour span. I’m scared to give him 5-6 at once because he’s good after 4, he has reflux so I’d hate to make him feel sick. We just bumped his ounces like 2 weeks ago! He’s almost 4 months, at 15 weeks now, so I’m waiting to give him oatmeal cereal in his milk. He’s an eating machine! Idk how much is too much, itsexhausting.