Post Birth Control Syndrome (PBCS)


Back in August I stopped taking my birth control pill after being on it for 6 years because I started to experience high blood pressure. It took me 4 months to get my period back but during those 4 months I experienced crazy symptoms. I was NOT myself. I got really bad acne, lost weight without trying, lost my appetite, suffered from really bad anxiety when I never had it before, and a bunch of other mood swings. It was terrible I thought I may have had PCOS or something else until I discovered Post Birth Control Syndrome (PBCS) was a thing. Im shocked not more people talk about this!

I was wondering if anyone else has experience this and what you did to balance yourself out and get through it. I read that symptoms can last for up to a year but I’m hoping that since I finally got my period back I’m coming to the end of this its been so exhausting to not feel like yourself for 4 months!

I am not ready to get pregnant and need some other form of birth control but I’m hesitant to go back on hormonal birth control. I was thinking about the copper IUD but not sure what people’s experiences were with it. Any advice with non hormonal birth control?
