Need some advice

Bri • Married and mother to babygirl💓

So her doctors and every article i read say that she should be sleeping through the night by now seeing as she’s going to be 5 months next month. from 6 weeks up until 4 months she’d sleep for about 10-12 hrs at night and it was great . At 4 months she started waking up during the night anywhere from 1-3 times . At first it seemed like it was because of hunger so i fed her a little more before bed . Now she sleeps uninterrupted for about 4-5 hrs and then for the rest of the night fusses and can’t even go back to sleep unless she’s on me . When she’s on me her eyes are closed but she still tosses and turns and cries . What should i do? Not sure if it’s still sleep regression or what it is. I’ve tried sticking to her sleep schedule, patting her back to sleep , heavier meals, feeding her when she wakes up , etc but she still wakes up/ stays up fussing and crying which leads to her being tired during the day. 😞 tough on her and me . Anyone gone through this ?