This is what I wake up to? Why down Black Women

I see post like this everyday about black women. I see post about black Love is the best love. I see that it’s a problem with me being black with a white man. I left a comment on this post and said ( So this means I’m brainwashed because my husband is white). For everyone out there who isn’t in a interracial relationship you don’t know what this feeling is like. I never had Black Love ... my own father left me before I was born, when I started dating I was cheated on by a man who said he in love.... then when I thought I found black love , he beat me up so bad that I have a bend in my skull to this day. I made my family and friends and a lot of the world mad by marrying a White Man. The looks in public, the comments that are made, the questions that are asked. My husband is everything and more...he’s a great father, amazing husband, and a great best friend. I didn’t choose to be black love, I chose to be with who ever makes me happy. If there is anyone reading this don’t let people make you feel bad for who you love, you determine your future.