Pissed off wife

✨A✨ • Momma to two ❤️

So my husband was married before me. He divorced her. Him and is ex had no kids and had a very easy divorce. Although, before they spilt up my husband co-signed for a car for her. Well fast forward, we find out a year ago, she isn’t paying the car and it’s messing up my husband’s credit. He takes her to court and the judge gives her two months to pay or it will start coming out of her pay. It’s been 5 months since then and still nothing. So my husband decided to just drop 6,000 on it and tell me after. I personally feel he should have waited for the court to take care of it and I am livid over it. Although, he tells me that it’s not my business since it happen before us.

I’m pregnant and easily annoyed but what do you ladies think? I feel like strangling him.