Psycho Parent | How Do I Tell Them I’m Pregnant??


So when I was pregnant with my first, my dad and step mom invited themselves to the hospital and my step mom invited herself to the delivery room. I just wanted it to be my husband and I and didn’t want anyone beating down the door or trying to take any moments away from my husband and I. I kept dropping hints and even flat out said I just wanted my husband and I at the hospital...

Fast forward to the night before I was induced. I was overdue, 10 days past my due date and miserable!!! I sent out a text to my dad and step mom, in-laws and mom and asked that they respect my decision and wait for the call to come to the hospital. It was a super nice text and my mom and in-laws weren’t offended.

My step mom went CRAZY!!! Apparently the text upset my dad and made him cry so she went all momma bear on me!! She was calling me every name in the book, saying how selfish I was and how dare I take this moment away from her and my dad. She even said “it’s not all about you”! This lady was ruthless!!! I just remember being so nervous to have my first baby and not knowing what to expect and being so scared and her just attacking me repeatedly.

Last I checked I was the one pushing a watermelon out my lady parts... 😳 so it IS all about me!

It took her a whole month to come meet my daughter and she never apologized. She said we should basically agree to disagree and move on with our lives.

Well now I am pregnant with my second and I am scared to death to tell her and my dad that I am having another one. I am firm that I don’t want anyone at the hospital or in the room and that’s not going to change! She and my dad aren’t much a part of our lives. They are more “holiday grandparents”.

Any ideas how to tell them and avoid drama and upset?