Fasting blood sugar

Kat • Happily married, sahm, home schooling mom to 3 amazing kids! I'm 31 weeks, and just the past couple of days my morning blood sugar has been 108 and 102 (before that had been around 90). Now I never took the glucose test, because we haven't eaten refined sugar as a family since 2008, so the doctors just have me monitoring blood sugars as if I had gd to see if I have it. My two hour post meal sugars are always 85-100, it's just my fasting that's creeping up. Is there any way to control this and what can I do? I'll see my doctor again but not for another 11 days and don't want to wait if it's an issue. Any ideas? Does this mean gd? They said my fasting should be under 95 and 2 hours after meals under 140.