I really really want a baby!!

I'm 25, and until recently it really didn't affect me that people my age are having babies. But now people that I'm close with are having them, and I just love their babies so much, it makes me want one for myself. I always said that I won't even think about kids before I'm 30, and I can't afford to have one now, since me and my girlfriend are both in Uni, and can't afford <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, let along a baby (no money and no time). But this really breaks my heart, and I think about it very often, but my gf doesn't get me seriously when I tell her.

So I just wanna say, you guys are so lucky with your cute families. I wish you all the best to all of you! Also all the best to those trying, or just wishing, like me! Lots of love!