Recently referred to a specialist...


Hi Ladies, I had my glucose test last week and failed. I was pretty much expecting it as I have pcos and was dealing with insulin resistance while trying to get pregnant. The doctors said I would most likely get GD so it wasn’t a huge surprise to me. My question is they sent a referral for me to an endocrinologist. I called to make an appointment, long story short they have some new patient thing I have to do (which makes sense) but is taking forever to hear back from them...

What did you ladies do in the mean time while waiting forever for an appointment? I’ve seen the low carb low sugar recommendation... do I start that or will that mess anything up when I go to the doctors to concentrate on the problem? Not trying to ‘self medicate’ or anything, but with the holidays I’m expecting this to take forever to get an appointment! I don’t want to be stuck waiting till the end of January, eating like I normally do and finding out I should have been doing something different! (Due March 8th by the way!)